Thanks for the history lesson. It’s been years since I listened to Pink Floyd, and that album in particular.

I remember the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the wall saga in particular. In 1991 I was doing security for AC/DC and the headlined a concert at the Tushino airfield in Moscow. It ended up there because people kept flocking to Moscow for the show and it was the only place to accommodate the crowd. There ended up being well over one million people. The lights on the runway area were shining out and I saw only people for as far as I could see.

I’m going into a hiatus of sort for a week or so. I just wanted to thank you so much for being a firehose of information. You’re definitely a top find for me since I entered the world of Substack. Your recommendations have also aided in great discoveries. The best to you and yours in the new year.

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My musings will lead you to hell, but ACDC and Metallica had already shown you the way! Oh gosh, you were there for the mother of all metal shows! Only last year, I watched the full concert. My favourite was the soldiers/security rocking. An economic nightmare was coming, but, in that moment they though they were free. It so beautiful!

For those who don't know the epicness of your memory:



Thanks for the compliments Because of that, I wish you a great holiday :)

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I woke up all happy this morning and find Mike Hampton's latest in my inbox. I make my coffee, light my morning cigar and read. Goddammit Mike, you fuked it all up with the depressing Pink Floyd Roger Waters shit!

I saw them live on the Animals tour. The crowd went wild when the giant pig flew through the venue. I became a fan ever since I first heard Dark Side of the Moon back in 1973. Something happened to me and everything changed. I began to detest that depressing band and depressed Roger. What happened in 1973 was a crash from a high, a deep depression all the way to psychosis. I came less than a lb. pressure on a trigger from blowing my brains out. As I was slowly pressing waiting for the surprise a tiny voice in my head said, "Don't be a coward.". I think I know who spoke with that tiny voice. 🕊️

It's now 40 years since 1973. I'm again a fan of Pink Floyd and Roger Waters. I stand with Roger for Julian Assange, against the Zio-Nazi Apartheid State of Israel and against the NATO aggression against Russia.

I am very grateful to the professionals who saved and healed me and to The One with that tiny voice. 🕊️ I have lived a wonderful life full of adventure and fulfillment. Although I've weathered some storms, nothing could keep me down.

Now as I sit on my "Porch" under my awning in front of my camper in the woods I'm never alone because I have so many Internet friends like you, Mike and my fellow commenters.

During a very low period back in 2006-7 that tiny voice spoke to me again and said, "Keep at it and never give up. Never quit and do not not feel sorry for yourself. The best years of your life are still ahead of you.". It didn't lie because now I'm living a life beyond my wildest dreams.

Thank you Mike for the thought provoking post and videos.

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That sure is a long trailed comment - thank you!

By "professionals", I assume you mean prostitutes loving Pink Floyd :)

I'm younger than you so found them in the the stereotypical way which was through singing "We don't need no education". Wish it had been a better story but it is what it is.

I have also had challenges, and seen death, and feared. Pink Floyd is the great soundscape for darkness but getting older means learning that darkness can also be beautiful, a blank slate for drawing mind art, a god painting one's universe into existence.

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Lol! No, not prostitutes. They were mental health professionals. I have much in common with Roger Waters. We have similar views about the Zio-Nazi Apartheid State of Israel and Julian Assange. Another thing we have in common is we both spent time in a nut house.

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You say "to-may-to", I say "to-mah-to" :)

Poor Syd, he never got to see the beauty in darkness.

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But Johnny Rotten is still around!😜

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Some mental illnesses are creative.

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I'll go listen to the Final Cut. My mind is so blown today. How can we hang on????? Please tell me

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By contributing to the world with honesty, truthseeking and charity.

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Water's comment about the Falklands - diplomacy should have been tried - was impractical. The Falklands was invaded because the Junta was failing and needed a rallying point - The Malvinas was it. The regaining of the Falklands brought down the Junta.

As to your dislike of Maggie - I came from a mining area. In Derbyshire. The "Flying Pickets who took over our village - like an invading army, in fact - were despised around here. If they wanted to strike, that was up to them, but, forcing their will on others, without a ballot (the only ballot held was in Yorkshire, and, I believe, Scotland [not sure on that]) was guaranteed to result in people responding AGAINST the minors.

As to her other policies? She was voted in three times. That should tell you something.

That apart, the article was good. I AM in support of Waters re Ukraine/Palestine etc. I AM against the warmongering west. The Final Cut? It's an OK album, in my opinion. No more than that.

All the best. And, καλα χριστουγεννα (Kala Christoyenna) Merry Christmas.

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Bloody hell. My English is getting bad! MINERS, not minors.......

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Dammit, you're taking away the most interesting part of your comment :)

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I recall reading, long time ago, that the government committee responsible for closing coal mines was making personal profit out of buying Russian coal. The USA was buying uranium from Russia during the Cold War i.e. politics is rarely what's sold in an advert for elections.

Thatcherism advanced neoliberalism which hasn't advanced humanity. Hell, she appointed Milton Friedman (of Chile infamy). And, early on, the poor got marginalised to estates that then had public transport routes lessened. For me, Thatcher = inequality.

I watched 'Falklands War: The Untold Story' last year.

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