The scope of the problem really blew me away. The thing that always frustrates me about these programs is there’s no follow up into what happened.

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Very much ditto!

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This is one of those where, by the title, you have to steel yourself before watching

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The one girl is the spitting image of another who used to go on my trips in Knysna. Thus, it made me more emotional.

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What kind of trips?

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For 3 years, I took poor kids and teens, the Rastafari most of all, to see places in their area they hadn't seen i.e., to try install in them that it's their town, and not only their road. Their were picnics in the forest and on the beach, tourist destinations such as elephants, cats and www.birdsofeden.co.za. There were individual experiences, such as teen sisters, age 16, eating in a restaurant for the first time, others rewarded for their census of their community with a day at a luxury spa (which, to my happiness and dismay was appreciated more than all the other trips). With representatives from Sylvia Earl's Hope Spots/Mission Blue, we did an educational outing/lecture etc. My attempt at chess classes was a failure. The politicians destroyed everything.

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I've been away from Substack for a few weeks now. Just getting back into gear again now. Kudos to you. Impressive, you walk the walk. I've never done anything quite like that. I've always been more on the critic side, rather than the activist and life-building (writings aside) side.

Ha, you made you chuckle about the luxury spa. Hard to beat that when these are the sorts of the people who haven't even had the opportunity to eat at a restaurant before...

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We should all step away, and regularly. Good on you for accomplishing it.

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It was, alas, more from negligence and procrastination than anything intentional

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This was a sad story, but it is unfortunately common where institutions are weak and corruption looms large. It is also the old story about those who wield power against those who do not have it. The one girl who told the journalist that she needs to speak to the teachers as well as the students was very wise.

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Power almost always leads to all kinds of abuse e.g., sexual, political, racism, warmongering. It's a feature of humanity, a truth to gag on.

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Aug 13Edited

Totally agree it is a darn feature of humanity. What is to be done?

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Humans respond to brainwashing, thus flooding the education system with our version of goodness would work to a degree, and then we have to stop putting men in positions where they have to be animals to survive. So, I guess I’m saying that everyone on my substack must become an oligarch :)

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NOOOOOOOO! Anything but oligarchs! :)

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We all have our pet hates - bwah ha ha.

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